Zamboanga City To Use Geospatial Application In Contact Tracing


The city government of Zamboanga will soon use a Contact Tracing Phone Application called Covid Mapping Platform for Attribution and Spatial Survey (CoMPASS) to help the contact tracers do their job easier.

Engr. Rodrigo Sicat, City Planning and Development Coordinator officer told RPN DXXX Zamboanga, this is jointly being developed by Ateneo de Zamboanga University (ADZU), the City government and Zamboanga City Medical Center (ZCMC).

ADZU is taking the lead when it comes to the software development.

The application shall have a global positioning features where the location can be plotted over Google Map and photo taking capabilities, aside from the socio-demographic data it can capture.

All info captured will be temporarily stored in the Android phone. Once internet is available, the info is sent to the City Database Operation Center who can download the data.

Each data has a unique identifier tagged to the person and the contact tracer is also registered. It is also date and time stamped so they can know when the data was captured.

Sicat said, currently, Contact Tracing is done via pen and paper interviews. Monitoring is via calls. Once testing is done, the App shall be launched maybe next week.

The city has 720 Contact Tracers. They are being used to combat Covid-19.
(R.G. Antonet A. Go)


(Source: Interview with Engr. Rodrigo Sicat, City Planning and Development Coordinator Officer)

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