Zamboanga: An ASG member arrested in a counter-terrorism operation


A certain Alnajer Sayyadi was arrested on March 9, 2022, at around 9 o’clock in the morning. The said subject person was nabbed in Barangay Tubig, Mampallam, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi.

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Apparently, Sayyadi has an existing warrant of arrest for Kidnapping-for-Ransom issued on September 2, 2019; by Presiding Judge Abdulmoin M. Pakalam of the 9th Judicial Region, Branch 5, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi.

According to police report, Sayyadi is a Sulu-based ASG member. He is being utilized as a spotter of the surrendered Abu Sayyaf Group Sub-leader Idang Susukan , under the leadership of the neutralized AGS Sub-leaders Hatib Hajan Sawadjaan and Guruh Hariffe in their kidnapping activities in the province of Tawi-Tawi and Sabah, Malaysia.

Three kidnapped survivors who were abducted in Bongao, Tawi-Tawi on June 2014, positively identified Sayyadi as one of their kidnappers.  The apprehended person was turned over to Bongao MPS for documentation and proper disposition. (Kristine Perez)

(Source: Area Police Command, Western Mindanao)

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