Travel Restrictions From Areas With Known Covid-19 Local Transmission Imposed


The City of Mati Incident Management Team for Corona Virus Disease (IMT Covid-19) has imposed travel restrictions from areas with known local transmissions except for residents of Mati City who must submit to a 14-day quarantine.

The City of Mati Guidelines No. 2 now prohibits all non-residents of Mati who came from outside the country and other areas with known local transmission of Covid-19.

And in light of the confirmation of the 1st incident of Covid-19 infection in the Davao Region, IMT Covid-19 head Dr. Ben Hur Catbagan said that all residents of Mati are advised against traveling to Tagum City and Pantukan for the time being.

The first Covid-19 patient in Davao Region was confirmed by the Department of Health on Sunday, March 15, with a designated name of PH 130.

PH130 is a 21-year old Filipina who came from United KIngdom and had a layover in Qatar before arriving in the country on February 29. PH130 manifested flu-like symptoms on March 3 and was hospitalized on March 10. The patient is from Pantukan, Davao de Oro.

The Regional Epidemiology Surveillance Unit however clarified that PH130 is not considered a “local transmission” since she came from UK and Qatar and could have been infected from there.

Delivery of goods coming from areas with known local transmission are however still allowed provided that the driver and delivery staff will undergo strict health screening and that they do not stay overnight in the City of Mati.

The IMT Covid-19 will also impose a 10 p.m. closure on all establishments and public places like the baywalk and park. The 10 p.m. curfew for all minors will remain. Tourism-related tours (sea, land and air) are also prohibited until such time the public health emergency is lifted.

City of Mati Mayor Michelle Nakpil Rabat issued the City Government of Mati Guidelines No. 2 on Monday, March 16. (CIO MATI)

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