Surigao: Intensified SACLEO nets 81 individuals, yield 8 Most Wanted Person


Police authorities arrested 8 of the most wanted individuals and accounted a total of 81 individuals as part of Intensified Simultaneous Anti- Criminality Law Enforcement Operations (SACLEO) in the province for various offenses, March 11, 2022.

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Provincial Director (PD) Police Colonel Renato C Mercado of Surigao del Norte Police Provincial Office reported that operatives arrested 8 most wanted persons (MWP), 22 other wanted persons, one on possession of Loose Firearms, 4 for having engaged in Illegal Drugs, 23 for Illegal Fishing and 2 for Illegal Logging.

On the campaign against Wanted Persons, the arrest warrant subsequently led to the arrest of 8 Most Wanted Persons composed of 2 for Regional Level, 2 Provincial Level, 3 for Municipal Level and 22 other wanted persons were also arrested.

On the other hand, 5 operations were conducted against Loose Firearms, 3 search warrants implemented and one arrested individual, 22 firearms (Pistol, Explosive and Ammunition) were also surrendered to the authorities.

On Anti Illegal Drugs Operation, 4 Police Operation were conducted resulting to the arrest of 4 indiviuals.

On Illegal fishing, 73 kilograms of fish in different species amounting to PHp13, 460.00 were confiscated.

On illegal gambling, P720 pesos amount of bet money was confiscated from individuals, who were caught in the act engaging illegal cockfighting activity.

Meanwhile, on other special laws, two (2) were arrested for violation of PD 705 (Illegal Logging) different kinds of illegallly sawn woods with estimated value of PHp. 17,174.55 was confiscated.

I laud the unwavering efforts of our personnel for their outstanding accomplishments in the Simultaneous Operations that led to the arrest of these individuals. We will continue to step up our campaign against all forms of criminalities and we will remain tireless in this campaign that leads to lasting peace in the province. PD Mercado concluded.

(Source: Surigao Del Norte Ppo Facebook account)

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