Report On Shooting Incident At Brgy. Sitog, Katipunan, Zamboanga Del Norte


Be informed that at about 6:50 AM of December 7, 2020, one Joseph Sotto Ang-og, 28 years old, male, married, high school level, construction worker, and a resident of Brgy. Tuburan, Katipunan, Zamboanga del Norte came and reported to Katipunan Municipal Police Station (MPS) that at about 4:00 AM of same date, while he was driving his motorcycle on his way from Brgy. Sitog to his residence at Brgy. Tuburan, Katipunan, Zamboanga del Norte and while travelling along the Brgy. Rd. of Sitog, Katipunan, Zamboanga Del Norte boundary to Brgy. Patik, Katipunan, Zamboanga Del Norte, he was surprised that an unidentified person suddenly shot him with an unknown firearm hitting his right armpit.

After having been shot, the victim immediately fled on board his motorcycle to seek help while the suspect likewise fled to unknown direction subject for hot pursuit operation. Duty Alert Team/Personnel of Katipunan MPS led by PEMS Bernard P. Jalosjos-Team Leader together with PSSg. Adrian Solatorio Alinsangan-Duty Investigator with contact number 09497851101 / 09565910020 are now conducting follow-up investigation for the possible identity and arrest of the said suspect while the victim was brought to the Rural Health Unit of Katipunan for medical treatment.
(PLtCol. Charisse B. Yabo, Provincial Community Affairs and Development Unit Chief)

(Source: Provincial Community Affairs and Development Unit – Police Regional Office IX)

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