Province revives referral system with SPMC


Province revives refferal system with SPMC. In a momentous occasion that will undoubtedly shape the future of healthcare in the region, a historic Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed between the Provincial Government led by the visionary, dynamic, proactive, action-oriented and hands-on Governor Robert Lyndon Barbers, and the Southern Philippines Medical Center (SPMC), ably represented by the Medical Center Chief, Dr. Ricardo Audan. This extraordinary event took place on the 7th of July, 2023, within the walls of the SPMC.

On behalf of Gov. Barbers were the powerhouse team from the Provincial Health Office (PHO) brilliantly headed by Dr. Maria Isabel P. Bertulfo-Makinano, Provincial Health Officer II.

This groundbreaking alliance marks a significant milestone in the pursuit of a robust and efficient patient navigation and referral system. The primary objective is to enhance the existing framework for underprivileged patients in dire need of medical assistance, which would eventually be enrolled under the Medical Assistance for Indigents Program (MAIP), Philhealth, and Malasakit Center.

Under the exemplary leadership of Governor Barbers, the Provincial Government has consistently demonstrated its unwavering commitment to providing exemplary healthcare services to its constituents. With this MOA, they have solidified their dedication to optimizing the patient referral system, ensuring that the most vulnerable members of society receive the timely and appropriate care they deserve.

The Southern Philippines Medical Center, a beacon of excellence in the healthcare sector, stands as a formidable partner in this transformative endeavor. Led by the exceptional Dr. Ricardo Audan, the institution’s renowned reputation for delivering exceptional medical care makes them an ideal collaborator in this noble cause.

Through this strategic partnership, the Provincial Government and the SPMC forge a powerful alliance, capable of revolutionizing the healthcare landscape. By leveraging their collective expertise and resources, they aim to streamline the patient navigation and referral process, eliminating barriers and inefficiencies that hinder the provision of vital medical assistance.

With the combined strength of the Provincial Government and the SPMC, a brighter future awaits indigent patients, who often find themselves grappling with insurmountable obstacles when seeking the medical support, they desperately need, as their path to comprehensive healthcare is paved with compassion, efficiency, and accessibility.

The signing of this Memorandum of Agreement serves as a clarion call to the healthcare industry, inspiring others to prioritize the welfare of the underprivileged and marginalized. As this visionary collaboration embarks on its transformative journey, it sets a new standard for excellence and compassion in patient care, leaving an indelible mark on the annals of medical history.

Clearly, the MOA signing ignited a spark of change that will undoubtedly illuminate the lives of countless individuals, guiding the way where healthcare knows no bounds and no one is left behind.

As such, it heralds a new era of inclusivity, efficiency, and compassion in the provision of medical assistance. With this historic partnership, the path to comprehensive healthcare becomes clearer and more accessible, marking a significant milestone in the quest for a healthier and more equitable society.

Health and Education Promotion of Surigao del Norte

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