Pagadian: PCIC Multimedia Arts Program assessment

photo courtesy of Asenso Pagadian

The PCIC welcomes CHEDRO-IX Regional Quality Assessment Team (RQAT) headed by MMA Education Supervisor Ms. Clarissa Alvarez for Bachelor in MultiMedia Arts Program Inspection on May 30, 2024.

The city’s Pagadian City International College (PCIC) graciously hosted the Commission on Higher Education IX’s Regional Quality Assessment Team (RQAT) for an in-depth review of its Bachelor in MultiMedia Arts Program.

The RQAT visit aims to evaluate the academic standards, curriculum design, and overall program effectiveness, ensuring PCIC continues to provide topnotch education to its students. This assessment is crucial for maintaining high educational standards and aligning the program with industry needs.

PCIC Admin headed by Robert Peter Ancheta, MMA Program Head Audrey B Cabato, other Program Heads, Faculty, staff and students showcased their facilities and innovative teaching/learning methods.

Also present were City Councilor Dodong Duterte as SP Committee Chairman on Education and City Councilor Priscilla “Doctora Dicky” Fernandez who represented Mayor Sammy Co in the exit conference at the Conference Hall of the City Mayor’s Office.

The visit was an opportunity for PCIC to highlight its commitment to excellence in multimedia arts education in this part of the island of Mindanao while the insights gained will help the institution enhance its program further ensuring graduates are well-prepared for their choice of careers in the multimedia industry.

PCIC continues to strive for academic excellence and innovation in the field of multimedia arts.

(Source: Asenso Pagadian)

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