NOCPPO Has 2 Active COVID Cases


The Negros Occidental Police Provincial Office (NOCPPO) has two remaining active cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) among its personnel.

Lieutenant Abegael Donasco, deputy public information officer of NOCPPO, said the two police officers were from Cadiz and Talisay cities.

Donasco said the police officer in Cadiz has already finished his quarantine in the facility and is now on home quarantine.

Donasco said the officer in Talisay City was reported infected by the virus on December 2 and is currently in a quarantine facility. Both are asymptomatic.

They were among the 35 infected officers of NOCPPO but 33 of them have recovered and returned to work, she said.

Donasco said that the three infected non-uniformed personnel (NUP) of NOCPPO have also recovered from the virus.
(Glazyl Y. Masculino via The Daily Guardian (TDG), photo courtesy of TDG)

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