Mayor Bing Urges Compassion For Workers, Calls On Businessmen To Voluntarily Aid Employees


Mayor Evelio Leonardia has urged businessmen in the city to show compassion for daily wage earners who will be affected by the effects of lessened economic activities due to the COVID19 pandemic.

Leonardia, in his Executive Advisory No. 2 and 2-A issued March 20 and 22, respectively, said his advisory comes after consulting a group of business owners.

An executive advisory is simply a recommendation of the mayor and does not carry the effect of law.

In Executive Advisory 2-A, the gratuity pay is “an act of favor and voluntariness on the part of the businessman/employers. It may not necessarily take the form of money/cash but in whatever way it may be given to alleviate the hard times of employees like food, medicine, health supplements or anything of equivalent monetary value.”

The advisory also pointed out that employees may “reciprocate to be grateful on what may be provided by their employers,” he said in Advisory 2-A.

“Nothing is obliged inasmuch as kindness and gratefulness cannot be mandated.”

“The negative impacts of the COVID19 pandemic on businesses cannot be overlooked,” Leonardia said in his advisory but he also pointed out that the welfare of low-income earners should be of “equal concern” so they could sustain the needs of their families during the quarantine period, he said in Advisory 2.

The mayor also pointed out the effects of the health department’s Advisory No. 9 that is already being followed by some, if not most, businesses.

Leonardia added his recommendations “shall cost the business sector money, but during this time of crisis, our employees must also be aided to survive.”* (BC PIO)

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