Isabela City Pioneers ELEVATE AIDA In The Region


20 young women of Isabela City completed their 5-day online training on ELEVATE AIDA (Artificial Intelligence and Data Annotation) earning a high record of 98.4% assessment rate.

This training which started from November 3 and culminated last Tuesday, November 10, 2020 is a pet project of Isabela City Mayor Sitti Djalia A. Turabin Hataman in partnership with Connected Women, under the City GAD Fund.

Connected Women is a social impact tech start-up, which offers online skills development and remote work opportunities to women. It also provides high-quality affordable talent for businesses globally and data annotation services while creating an impact for Filipino women and their families. Their partners include UN Women and Smart, among others.

This program aims to provide women with data labeling skills, remote work skills, basic professional communication skills, and basic computer skills, which are all scalable in the digital remote workspace. After the online classroom course and on-the-job training, Connected Women’s objective is to facilitate opportunities for the participants to find contractual or permanent jobs.

The Commencement Activity was attended by Connected Women Founders Gina Romero and Ruth Yu Owen, Mayor Hataman together with the 20 young women via zoom and was also held at the Sakayan Conference Room, City Hall, this city.

Mayor Hataman thanked Connected Women for this opportunity stressing her administration’s agenda of uplifting the quality of life of Isabelenos, of empowering particularly the women, “we must not simply be beneficiaries of progress but be contributors to achieving it,” she said. She also urged the first batch of participants not to waste this rare opportunity joining the world pool of Connected Women for this can open more doors of opportunities for the young women of Isabela.

Connected Women founders inspired by sharing their story and enthusiasm in making a difference in this pat of the country, a city rising from a past of armed conflict and the social costs it entailed.

The 20 young women will proceed with their OJT online from November 12 to 25, 2020. (Isabela City Provincial Information Office)

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