DAR’s field validation teams will soon reach Northern Samar’s hinterlands on motorcycles  


DAR field validation teams (FVT) will be deployed to Northern Samar, and would soon hit the road to reach far-flung areas and remote barangays on two wheels.

The DAR said it has recently acquired and distributed to its field personnel 16 brand-new motorcycles —Honda XR150Ls—to expedite the parcelization of collective Certificate of Land Ownership Awards (CCLOAs) in the province.

In a statement, DAR Secretary Conrado Estrella III said the bikes would play a crucial role in the conduct of field validation activities, especially in areas where access roads are less conducive for four-wheeled vehicles.

Engr. Jose M. Balberde, Provincial Agrarian Reform Program Officer II, said the move would address challenges faced by field validation teams, particularly in conducting field investigations under Project SPLIT implementation.

He said with the motorcycles available to field personnel, DAR would be able to expedite the distribution of individual land titles to agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) to strengthen land tenure security towards the improvement of their quality of life.

Far-flung barangays in some municipalities are difficult to reach or access on four-wheeled vehicles and the appropriate mode of transportation is a motorcycle. With the provision of these motorcycles, field personnel, and FVTs can easily access these areas, especially in the conduct of field validation.

The 16 newly delivered motorcycles are part of the 820 units that the Department had procured at an aggregate cost of P123 million.

Project SPLIT is a World Bank-funded project of DAR. This project aims to improve the security of tenure and strengthen the property rights of the ARBs through the subdivision of collective Certificate of Land Ownership Awards or CCLOAs into individual titles.