Arrest Of Other Wanted Person At Sitio Sta. Maria, New Sicayab Polanco Zamboanga Del Norte


Be informed that on or about 5:30 PM of January 5, 2021 at Sitio Sta. Maria, New Sicayab Polanco Zamboanga Del Norte, intel Operatives of Polanco MPS led by PCMS Simeon Cayacap Wapelle Jr. and PMSg. Gary Lloyd V. Dingding-Warrant Server, PNCO, together with CIDG-ZDNPU personnel thru intel driven operation (service of warrant of arrest) that resulted to the arrest of Ronelio Factores Bolong , 54 years old, single, male, Filipino, and a resident of Sitio Sta. Maria, Brgy. New Sicayab, Polanco, Zamboanga Del Norte by virtue of Warrant  of Arrest dated December 14, 2020, for the crime of “Rape” docketed under Criminal Case No. 24425 with no bail bond recommended for his temporary liberty issued by Hon. Cherry Joy Carloto Concha-Ageas, Presiding Judge RTC, Ninth Judicial Region, Branch 10, Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte.

Said wanted person is now under police custody of Polanco MPS for documentation and for proper disposition.
(PLtCol. Charisse B. Yabo, Provincial Community Affairs and Development Unit Chief)

(Source: Provincial Community Affairs and Development Unit – Police Regional Office IX)

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