50 Caraga cops graduate Basic Logistics Course


Camp Col Rafael C Rodriguez, Butuan City – Fifty Police Regional Office (PRO)13 personnel have successfully completed the Basic Logistics Course (BLC) following the closing ceremony held here today, July 7.

After 208 training hours since the course opened on May 29, 2023, the participants were declared as graduates by PBGEN PABLO G LABRA II, Caraga Police Director, who graced the ceremony as the Guest of Honor and Speaker.

During the event, the top-performing participants and groups were also recognized for their individual and group performance.

Police Senior Master Sergeant Ryan G Dilla from the Regional Special Training Unit 13 received an Academic Excellence Award for being the Top 1; Police Master Sergeant John Brian A Sitones from the Regional Headquarters as the Top 2; and, Police Staff Sergeant Melchor L Bande, Jr from the Dinagat Islands Police Provincial Office as the Top 3.

Meanwhile, the BLC Group 3 headed by Police Senior Master Sergeant Zeny G Canino was adjudged as the Best in Inventory Report.

The BLC is offered to personnel assigned to logistic units and sections in police units in the region, and national support units to capacitate them with the knowledge and skills in managing PNP assets and resources.

“When we approach policing logistically, it maps the efficiency and effectiveness of our plans, and programs. In an interconnected world where criminal activities transcend geographical boundaries, it is imperative to have a robust logistics framework with trained personnel in all police units,” RD LABRA II said during his message.

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