2 ASG with IED components nabbed in Isabela, Basilan


The security forces in Basilan Province nabbed two suspected members of the Abu Sayyaf in a police operation in İsabela City Tuesday afternoon.

The joint teams of police and army troopers conducted an operation at Barangay Menzi, in İsabela City Tuesday, January 14, 2020, at 5:30 in the afternoon.

Police report identified the two suspected ASG member as Kadir Ajanal and Mudzrim A. İlaman.

Confiscated from Ajanal and İlaman were some components of İmprovised Explosive Device (İED).

The two arrested alleged members of ASG were members of the ASG leader Furuji Indama, ASG sub-leader Radzmir Janatul and ASG Sub Leader Pasil Bayali operating in Basilan Province.

(Photo PNP Basilan)

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