Zero Cases In Dinagat Islands!


One (1) new recovered case has been reported in the Municipality of San Jose. The individual was discharged from our Provincial Care and Containment Center this morning. With this development, we now have a total of one hundred (100) recovered cases and ZERO (0) ACTIVE CASES.

However, even with this accomplishment, we must never be complacent, especially with the emergence of the new COVID-19


variant recently traced in our country. Do not believe the misinformation stating that COVID-19 is not deadly.

More than ever, let us maintain our observance of minimum health standards in our homes and communities. Exercise proper hygiene and disinfection procedures. Always wear face masks, especially when you are close to other people. Practice social distancing in public places and in your workplaces. Most of all, let us all support each other in our quarantine protocols, our most effective way to prevent COVID-19 transmission in Dinagat Islands. Our communities are and will always be our frontline.

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