Zamboanga: Comelec, ZCJ conducts voters education for PDLs


The Zamboanga City Jail (ZCJ) together with the Commission on Election (Comelec) have conducted voter’s education for Person’s Deprived of Liberty (PDLs) Wednesday afternoon inside the said jail facility.

Visit RPN DXXX Zamboanga

Aimee Ferolino, Comelec Commissioner, said “We want our election to be inclusive not only for us who are outside.”

During the activity, PDLs were taught the importance of election, how to properly shade the ballot, how the election for them will be done, and others.

There are 448 active PDLs voters who are expected to vote this upcoming May election.

Ferolino explained, no counting machines will be placed inside the jail facility. What will happen, the jail guards will get the ballots from the precincts of these PDLs.

This will be followed by votong of the PDLs from 7am to 2pm. After voting, jail guards will bring the filled up ballots back to the precincts and feed it to the vote counting machines for the PDLs.

“One vote matters, and one vote is important,” Ferolino stressed.

She sees the jail facility is now ready for the election as it is organized. (R.G. Antonet A. Go)

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