Zamboanga City Health Officer To Public: Heed Medical Frontliners Call For Time Out


Zamboanga City Health Officer has appealed to the public to heed the medical frontliners call for time out.

“We have seen our fellow health care workers called for a time out a call of distress. Let us heed this call let us help our frontliners,” Dr. Dulce Amor Miravite, city health officer said.

Miravite made this statement during a virtual press conference Monday night.

Miravite explained, this is also a call for the public to voluntarily do their part when it comes to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) fight.

The public must do their part so not many people will be sick all together at the same time to a point that the health care system can no longer accomodate the patients.

She said, by following the health standards the public can help the frontliners. This includes: wearing of face mask, hand washing, and strictly follow the social distancing.

For Zamboanga City, a total of 21 frontliners were recorded a nurse, a doctor, a technician, security forces eight, and others 10.

For Zamboanga City, Covid-19 now soared to 622. For recoveries 333, active cases 269, and 20 deaths.

Recall, medical frontliners in Manila asked for a time out as almost all hospitals are full and frontliners are already stressed and exhausted. (R.G. Antonet A. Go)

(Source: Dr. Dulce Amor Miravite, City Health Officer)

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