Zamboanga: Archdiocese to public check on candidates qualifications and character


The Archdiocese of Zamboanga is urging the public especially the Catholics to check on the qualifications of candidates and their character before voting for them.

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Rev. Fr. Jeffrey R. Mirasol, Archdiocese of Zamboanga spokesperson, said in an interview that “Mira conel qualificasyon y moral del maga candidato.”

He said, their stand on issues such as abortion, divorce, same sex marriage must also be checked before making the decision on who they will vote this coming election. Registered voters must also go out and cast their vote and condemn vote buying.

However, he stressed that the archdiocese does not endorse any candidates and they are nonpartisan.

“Hende kame tan endorse kay ta cre kame kaya ustedes caya man discern y escuhi el maga leaders,” Mirasol said.

He is also urging voters to ask for guidance and pray before voting as God gave us the gift of intelligence.

The archdiocese together with the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) is working together to conduct seminars especially on how to choose during election.

The aim for this election is to have a Clean, Honest, Accurate, Meaningful and Peaceful election.

The PPCRV is one of the election watchdogs who assist voters during election and watch the conduct and counting of votes. (R.G. Antonet A. Go)

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