Surigao: Rotarians of Area 3K join the One Run, Walk and Dance to End Polio


Rotarians from the 4 clubs of Area 3K in Surigao City successfully spearheaded yesterday’s Rotary Day of Service “One Run, Walk and Dance to End Polio.

Assistant Governor for Area 3K Gaysel M. Yuipco said it was a worlwide campaign of the Rotary International participated by all Rotarians as World Polio Day 2021, a campaign for polio eradication not only in Surigao or Rotary District but the whole Rotary International organization.

“There are still countries infected with polio. We undertake this run, walk and dance. Other areas like Cebu and Davao are having their bikes. DepEd and the Kimbotitas (Zumba Dancers) also participated in this activity,” AG Yuipco said.

“The Philippines is considered polio free but neighboring countries have minimal numbers that is why we are close to eradicating polio and we need to raise funds so that we can purchase vaccines helping the government of the country,” Yuipco added.

“RI in partnership with The Bill Gates Foundation wanted to really make sure that polio will be eradicated in the planet Earth and every RI District with different Rotary Clubs are raising funds through contribution of every Rotarian,” Assistant Governor Yuipco emphasized.

Antonio Supera Jr., President of the Rotary Club of Surigao City said their club was in charge of the One Run, Walk and Dance to End Polio with the Rotaractors of the 3 other clubs. The four clubs in Area 3K composed of RC Surigao City, Metro Surigao, Surigao Midtown Jewels and Central Surigao also helped the government in the fight against COVID-19 by donating medical equipment and supplies for frontliners, funds for the purchase of vaccine and Rotarians who are practicing doctors get involved as volunteers in the government’s vaccination program.

(RPN DXKS Surigao with PP JAC)

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