Surigao: A non-government organization or PIECO given a clean-up drive in Brgy. Trinidad


Surigao City – Peoples Integrated for Environmental Conservation Organization, Inc. holds a Clean-up Drive in Brgy. Trinity last Sunday March 6th of this year.

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The member of the city’s barangay attended this even though the mountain was strong in the nest.

Only 308 total number of its members saluted this movement from Barangay Canlanipa, Bonifacio also Trinidad.

Rutchelle Delos Reyes is grateful to the PIECO Executive President who organized this meeting in that place.

Delos Reyes also congratulated the elders who supported this movement to make such a comfortable environment cleanup possible.

The Organisation’s elders thanked Congressman Alan (former) Ecleo and Vice Gov. Nilo Demerey Jr. for providing support to such Organization.

PIECO created in the Ocean province and worked hard to preach and preserve nature through programs of such organization.

Continuing to hope that this is not only the first movement they are spreading in the city but will follow up another movement for the welfare of nature. (General Chat Lounge | ROUND 22 | RPN DXKS Surigao News Team)

Rutchelle Delos Reyes


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