Friday, May 3, 2024

STEPS to Next-Level Associations

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AS purpose-driven, mission-focused organizations, associations provide their key stakeholders with at least four main benefits: (1) learning (training programs, certification and credentials), (2) knowledge (specialized publications, studies and standards), (3) community (platform to network, co-create and collaborate on services), and (4) advocacy (preparing position papers, public policy work, and testimonials). So what else can associations do to boost their stock even more and bring them to a higher level?

I read a post on this topic by Ryan Smith of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE). I tweaked these five “STEPS” to fit the context of associations here.

S-ystematize collaboration and co-creation: Associations have in their ecosystem an enormous wealth of human and organizational resources as they represent various professions and industries and their networks. These connections and linkages offer associations opportunities for co-creation and innovation on strategic projects, programs, and activities, not only for their members, but also for society at large.

T-ap and boost volunteer time and talent: Volunteers are the lifeblood of associations. They provide their time, energy, and resources for advocacies they care about. They serve in boards, committees, and task forces. But volunteering also comes with both personal and professional benefits. For instance, volunteers can bring back what they have learned from serving associations to their own workplaces and personal lives.

E-nergize the human spirit: Being with and working in associations involves a lot of human interactions and relationships. Associations that focus on recognizing, supporting, and raising their people’s spirit and passion can expect to operate better, achieve more results, and grow progressively. Industries prosper and decline, workplaces change over time, but what does not go away is how associations make their people feel valued and rewarded.

P-ursue diversity, equity, and inclusion: DEI principles have become a norm in the workplace, in schools, and other settings. Diversity refers to recognizing and respecting everyone’s unique qualities and attributes; equity to a fair and respectful treatment of everyone; and inclusion to a feeling of being accepted and valued. Since associations bring people of different backgrounds together, associations will not be sustainable if they don’t embrace, prioritize, and embed DEI into their culture. By making DEI a strategic imperative and then taking action, associations will also be able to attract talent to their workforce and spark enthusiasm and passion to their work.

S-ee the future: Foresight and strategic thinking make associations ‘see’ the future better to ensure success and sustainability. By doing so, it is not only the association that benefits from it, but also its members—e.g., industries and professions—by lifting them as well. Being in this position to think at a higher level provides an opportunity for associations to be thought leaders and influential actions in their communities. With the right focus and dedication, associations have the potential to make a difference in terms of endless possibilities and opportunities for growth and development.

I hope these “STEPS” give you some ideas and tools as you move forward to levelling up your association.

The column contributor, Octavio ‘Bobby’ Peralta, is concurrently the secretary-general of the Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific, Founder & CEO of the Philippine Council of Associations and Association Executives and President of the Asia-Pacific Federation of Association Organizations. The purpose of PCAAE—the “association of associations”—is to advance the association management profession and to make associations well-governed and sustainable. PCAAE enjoys the support of Adfiap, the Tourism Promotions Board, and the Philippine International Convention Center. E-mail: [email protected]

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