SPMC Ready For COVID-19 Surge Due To Easing Of Quarantine Restrictions


The Southern Philippines Medical Center (SPMC) has reported that they are expecting a surge in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases in Region 11 due to the easing of quarantine restrictions in the Region but are prepared to address the sudden rise in cases.

As of August 6, the Department of Health Davao Center for Health Development (DOH DCHD) has reported a total of 486 active COVID-19 cases where 34 are newly recorded cases yesterday which places the cumulative number of cases in Region 11 at 1,448.

The DOH DCHD reports that the case doubling time in the Davao Region is at 44 days. This means that the total number of COVID-19 cases in the Region would double in 44 days or by mid-September. However, DOH DCHD In-charge on Data Management Rachel Pacion emphasized that the current doubling time may vary due to particular contributing factors.

“Since these are numbers that are influenced by different factors such as expanded testing, and increased movement of people in the Region, we may have an increasing trend with our number [of COVID-19 cases],” Pacion said.

With the given data, SPMC Chief of Medical Professional Staff Dr. Ricardo Audan is confident that the SPMC’s facilities are prepared to address a surge in COVID-19 cases.

“SPMC is prepared for any surge [in COVID-19] cases that may arise because of the lifting of quarantine restrictions such as the re-opening of the Roxas night market,” Dr. Audan said.

The SPMC has allocated 37 intensive care unit (ICU) beds and 227 non-ICU beds for COVID-19 cases. In the event of a possible surge in COVID-19 cases, the SPMC has additional available facilities that can be converted to cater to COVID-19 patients which number at an additional 62 beds.

Audan also recognized the possible risks involved with the easing of quarantine restrictions and highlighted that the said medical facility has already experienced surges in COVID-19 cases before in the region during the lowering from enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) to general community quarantine (GCQ).

“It [surge in COVID-19 cases] happened when we shifted from ECQ to GCQ and how much more with lifting the curfew … SPMC is prepared for this,” Dr. Audan said. (KPLCaro)


(Source: PIA XI)


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