Socorro Police Force Relieved After Complaint Of Neutrality


Sixteen members of PNP led by Police Lieutenant Nollie Magalona were relieved effective April 1 on complaint by Municipal Officials of failure to be neutral in the investigation of the death of Marven Dantes last March 25.2019.

Dantes was known to be supporter of Socorro Mayor Denia Florano was strafed to death by 3 to 6 unidentified gun men using M16, 9mm and Cal.. 45 while driving his motorcycle at the crossing of Songkoy, Socorro.

Gunmen escaped on board a white van and witnesses pinpointed that it entered a house identified to a former local official.

NBI Manila was in Socorro last Monday to verify reports that armed men were seen roaming the island municipality.

Yesterday, Police Captain Giovanni Tindoy and other 15 non-commissioned police officers started their tour of duty to maintain the peaceful conduct of the investigation and to uphold the police neutrality while the campaign period for the May 13, 2019 Elections are on going.

Board Member Mamerto Galanida, running for Congressman under NP HNP in the First District is hopeful that the killing incident will be given justice. They believed it was politically motivated but the previous police report failed to link the incident to politics.

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