San Juan Feast Activities Suspended


Bacolod City – Mayor Evelio Leonardia issues Executive Order No. 32 suspending the public celebration of the Feast of St. John the Baptist (San Juan Bautista) in Bacolod on June 24, 2021. This inline with the rising COVID 19 cases in the city, and in adherence to the health protocols on social distancing, and avoidance of public gatherings.

Mayor Leonardia, Vice Mayor El Cid Familiaran, and other officials of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) hold a consultation meeting with the owners of resorts, bars, restaurants, and coffee shops in Barangays Alangilan and Granada at the Alangilan gym, in connection with the forthcoming celebration of the Feast of San Juan de Bautista [St. John the Baptist] on June 24.

The City and EOC officials want to discuss measures to control the crowd during the Feast of San Juan de Bautista as this occasion traditionally gathers big crowds.

Leonadia also shares with the attendees the COVID-19 situationer in Bacolod; and encourage them to comply with minimum health protocols such as proper wearing of face masks and face shields; observing physical distancing of at least one meter, as well as observing curfew hours (10 PM to 4 AM) and total ban on public consumption of liquor

Attending the meeting are Alangilan Punong Barangay Degie Tanista, Granada barangay secretary Rose Cuaycong, EOC Secretariat head Teresa Manalili, Atty. Bartolome Malde Jr. of City Legal Office; P/Lt. Col. Lester Leada, head of Operations Management Unit of BCPO, and P/Lt. Melvin Mercado, deputy station commander of Police Station 5.

(News & photo courtesy of Bacolod City Public Information Office)

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