Report On Campaign Against Illegal Drugs (Buy Bust) ZNPDEU/Dipolog CPS


Be informed that about 7:10 PM of October 25, 2020, Personnel from ZNPDEU led by PCPT. JEFFESON LAO BALINDAN together with CIDG Zamboanga del Norte PFU Led by PMAJ. RYAN M. HERNADEZ in coordination with Dipolog City Police Station (CPS) and PDEA 9 conducted joint drug buy-bust operation at Fishermans Village, Laoy, Brgy. Olingan, Dipolog City which resulted to the arrest of Benjamin J. Aniag, male, 37 years old, single, DOB: January  24, 1983, Van dispatcher and a resident of Purok Forever, Relocation, Laoy, Brgy. Olingan, Dipolog City.

A DI watch listed as SLI. Confiscated during the operation were three (3) pcs heat-sealed transparent plastic sachet containing white crystalline granules believed to be shabu, one  (1) pc. Five Hundred Peso (₱ 500.00) bill with Serial No.  SU829472, One (1) pc. Twenty Peso (₱ 20.00) bill with Serial No.JP916939, One (1) unit black with floral design Samsung J1, six  (6) pcs. peso coins in different denomination amounting to Nineteen Pesos (₱ 19.00), Two (2) pcs. aluminum foil, One (1) pc small transparent sachet serve as non-drug and drug container and one (1) pc empty Marlboro cigarette pack serve as drug container.

All drug evidence has an estimated street value amounting to ₱ 40,800.00 and estimated weight of 6 grams. Proper inventory, markings and body search was done at the place of arrest in the presence of Hon. Michael Philip A. Panama, Hon Reynaldo Bayonas – Elected Public Official, and Mr. Rosevelt D. Mondinido – Media representative. Arrested Suspect was brought Dipolog CPS for documentation afterwards to Corazon Aquino Hospital for physical/medical examination thereafter brought to Provincial Crime Laboratory Office (SOCO) for drug testing together with the drug evidence for chemical examination and weighing at the said office, while the non-drug evidence was safe kept at PDEU office for court exhibit.

Afterwards, suspect is temporarily detained at Dipolog CPS lock up cell while documents for the filing of formal complaint are being prepared for the violation of RA 9165.
(PLtCol. Charisse B. Yabo, Provincial Community Affairs and Development Unit Chief)

(Source: Provincial Community Affairs and Development Unit – Police Regional Office IX)

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