Private Organizers Urged To Postpone Events


DAVAO CITY: The City Tourism Operations Office (CTOO) of the City Government of Davao is urging private sector organizers to postpone or reschedule their events to safeguard the City from the threat of COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019)

“We urge our friends from the private sector particularly the organizers or those who are putting up events in the city to postpone their activities for the meantime. Let us do our share and help Davao City to be COVID-19 free,” Generose Tecson, head of the CTOO said.

Tecson hopes that her appeal would be taken into consideration but she said there are others who are bent on pushing their events in the city. Thus the CTOO is providing a set of guidelines for these organizers to follow if they are intent to push through with the events.

“The Business Bureau will still issue permits provided that event organizers will sign a commitment to follow the Department of Health precaution measures for MICE (Meetings Incentives Conventions and Exhibitions). These include the set-up of a well-ventilated, non-airconditioned holding room for sick persons awaiting transport to hospitals,” The City Tourism chief said.

Also event organizers must have adequate equipment for those attending the events these include:

  1. Handwashing materials such as soap and free flowing water or hand sanitizer.
  2. Waste bins where disposables such as tissues or caps can be thrown.
  3. On-site medical assessment team who have competent expertise in screening people for possible sickness such as flu.

Tecson urges the organizers to coordinate with health facilities for needed information and knowledge in mitigation measures against Covid-19. (PIA/RG Alama)

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