ONĈE ISLAS now officially OPEN!


As the saying goes “all roads lead to Rome”, we now say all roads lead to the 11 Islands! The soft opening held yesterday, July 1 2018, was a celebration of the two-year preparations made possible through the vision and initiative of Mayor Beng Climaco.

This project commenced with the assessment and planning of the Technical Working Group led by the City Tourism Office and was formalized with the passing and approval of Ordinance 476 otherwise known as the Onĉe Islas Ordinance principally authored by SP Chairman on Tourism Councilor BG Guingona. The collaboration with the stakeholders involved all through- out has likewise contributed greatly to the success most especially the relentless commitment and support of the Barangay officials and residents of the barangays of Panubigan and Dita.

The soft opening was attended by guess of the barangays, national offices and the city government led by Mayor Beng Climaco, Councilors BG Guingona, Pin Pareja, Bong Atilano, Jihan Edding, and Cesar Jimenez. The public can now enjoy the islands of Baung-Baung, Bisaya-Bisaya, Buh-Buh and Sirromon for swimming, snorkeling, sun bathing, and other beach acitivites.

The islands are open from 8am to 3pm from Mondays to Thursday, Saturdays, and Sundays. There shall be NO operations on Fridays. Entrance Fee is charged at P100.00 per head. Aside from the entrance fee, an Environmental Fee of P100.00 shall also be collected per person. The islands’ carrying capacity as per approved ordinance shall be limited only to 200 persons a day; hence bookings shall be closed when the 200-mark is reached. The carrying capacity shall be strictly observed to ensure responsible and sustainable tourism development in the said islands.

Bookings are now accepted and made by accomplishing booking forms at the City Tourism Office at Paseo del Mar. Only the bookings made at the City Tourism Office can be allowed entry to the islands. The beautiful Onĉe Islas are our City’s pride and we enjoin every Zamboangueño to visit, be proud of, and assist us in the promotion and preservation of these islands. (Ely Dumaboc)

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