Number Of Active COVID-19 Cases Among Negros Police Drop


Bacolod City – The Negros Occidental Police Provincial Office (NOCPPO) here reported a reduction in active coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases which is now at 11 as of July 20.

Police Lieutenant Abegael Donasco, NOCPPO’s information officer, said 180 police officers have already recovered from the virus out of the total 194 infected cops.

Donasco said the 11 infected cops are on isolation, while two of them are under strict home quarantine.

Since the police are frontliners in the pandemic, Donasco reiterated the reminder to colleagues to observe proper health protocols while rendering their duties.

On June 26, NOCPPO recorded its first COVID-19 death, a 42-year-old personnel of Sipalay City Police Station with a rank of Police Staff Sergeant.

Meanwhile, the Bacolod City Police Office (BCPO) has no active COVID-19 case among its personnel.

Police Major Sherlock Gabana, BCPO information officer, said that a station commander who got infected with COVID-19 two weeks ago has already recovered.

Gabana said that no one from the station commander’s close contacts tested positive for the virus. (Glazyl Masculino via The Daily Guardian (TDG), photo courtesy of TDG)

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