Notorius Drug Dealer and Gund for Hire killed


A Drug Dealer and Gun for Hire personality was killed after he attempted to shoot the combined operatives from 903rd Maneuvering Company of RMFB9, Buug MPS and Kumalarang MPS during buy-bust operation inside the abandoned house of Purok 2, Barangay Poblacion, Buug, Zamboanga Sibugay at about 2:30 in the afternoon of December 08, 2018.

PCSUPT Emmanuel Luis D Licup, PRO9 Regional Director identified the suspect as a certain Esmael Lucman Ebrahim a.k.a. “Tata Kidlat”, Top 6 Priority Target (HVT Level 2/Gun for Hire) of Malangas MPS, 38 years old, male, married, jobless, and a resident of Campo Islam, Malangas, Zamboanga Sibugay.

Accordingly, while transacting with the poseur buyer/intelligence operative, the subject person noticed that the poseur buyer is a police officer that prompted him (subject) to immediately escape and ran at the back of the house while trying to shoot the operating personnel using caliber .38 revolver but failed to fire. This prompted the operating personnel to fire back and hit the suspect at the right forearm and penetrated on his chest.

Further, the suspect was still alive and immediately brought to St. John Hospital for medication but declared dead on arrival by the attending physician, Dr. Mabini Camas. Evidence recovered: four (4) small heat-sealed plastic sachets containing white crystalline substance believed to be Shabu, illegal drug paraphernalia, 1 Cal .38 revolver loaded with ammunition, and buy-bust marked money worth two hundred pesos.

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