Negros Occidental Vet Office, Producers Work For Safe Chicken Meat


As chicken consumption continues to increase in Negros Occidental, the provincial government is closely working with broiler producers and dressing plant operators to ensure safe and quality meat for Negrenses.

“We need to ensure that chicken meat products sold in the markets are safe for consumption,” provincial veterinarian Renante Decena said.

This was underscored during the recent meeting initiated by the Provincial Veterinary Office (PVO) and the National Meat Inspection Services (NMIS) 6 (Western Visayas) with the Association of Broiler Integrators of Negros Occidental and the poultry dressing plant owners and operators in the province.

As of Friday, the PVO and NMIS have reported that about 25,000 heads of broiler chicken sold in the markets in Negros Occidental daily have not passed the required meat inspection and certification.

This means it is uncertain if these products are safe and fit for human consumption and compliant with food safety standards as these were slaughtered clandestinely.

The PVO has noted that with the significant increase in chicken production in the province, the volume is higher than the capacities of existing dressing plants.

It added that dressing plant operators committed to accommodate at least 7,000 heads of chicken per day from integrators and growers starting next month.

Two chicken dressing facilities in Bago City and EB Magalona are under construction and expected to operate by the last quarter of the year.

Personnel of the PVO Meat Inspection Division, together with the NMIS Field Office, will coordinate with the local government units for the monitoring and implementation of appropriate actions, Decena added. (PNA via NDB)

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