NegOcc Governor Renews Support To Provincial Police Force


Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson renewed his commitment of support to the Negros Occidental Police Provincial Office (NOCPPO) led by Col. Romy Palgue as it continued to be at the forefront in the battle against the coronavirus disease 2029 (Covid-19).

“As we face this pandemic and its multifarious consequences, we rely on your continued and unrelenting support to mitigate all its ill-effects. Please be assured of your province’s unwavering support to your endeavors,” Lacson said in his message as guest of honor and speaker during the 119th Police Service Anniversary rites held at Camp Alfredo M. Montelibano here on Monday.

This year’s celebration carries the theme “Towards a Pandemic-Resilient Philippine National Police (PNP): Adopting Protective Protocols in the New Normal”.

Lacson reiterated his previous message that the people need to see that the PNP is their ally, guardian, defender, and protector.

“I am pleased that the Negros Occidental PNP has gained great momentum with public trust,” he said.

The governor took pride that through the years, the provincial government’s relationship with the NOCPPO personnel has always been cordial, professional, and supportive with each other.

“When we plan our annual budget, we allocate something to NOCPPO’s operational expenses as a way of acknowledging your significant role in realizing the peace and development agenda of our province,” he added.

Lacson acknowledged the sacrifices of the police officers in manning the frontlines of the province’s fight against Covid-19.

“I, together with the entire people of Negros Occidental, are very grateful. We respective and salute your bravery and commitment to service…To the men and women in uniform, please accept my appreciation for your selfless and courageous service, especially when you are in the face of danger as a consequence of law enforcement,” he said.

Lacson further said that he hopes the celebration will serve as a platform to strengthen the Negrense police officer’s noble pledge as guardians and protectors of the people, particularly those who are at risk, marginalized, and vulnerable.

During the program, Lacson and Palgue led the giving of awards to the best performing police stations.

Silay City Police Station (CPS) and Hinoba-an Municipal Police Station (MPS) were awarded as top performers in the campaign against illegal drugs; Bago CPS and La Castellana MPS, campaign against the arrest of wanted persons; Kabankalan CPS and Isabela MPS, campaign against loose firearms; Victorias CPS and Manapla MPS, campaign against illegal gambling.

La Carlota CPS and Hinigaran CPS were recognized as topnotchers in the Unit Performance Evaluation Rating for the first semester of 2020. (Nanette Guadalquiver NDB via PNA, photo by NOPIO)

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