NegOcc asks travelers from Manila to undergo self-quarantine


The Negros Occidental provincial government has required all travelers arriving from Metro Manila starting Saturday to undergo a 14-day home quarantine upon their arrival in the province.

These passengers will be considered as persons under monitoring (PUMs) as stated in Executive Order No. 20-13 issued by Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson adopting unified protocols on the border and intra-province control for coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19).

In the order, Lacson said the home quarantine will be supervised by the Provincial Health Office (PHO) in coordination with the component city or municipal health office where the PUM resides.

“We have to be responsible Negrenses. If we are not, it may be that your relative will get sick of Covid-19. That is precisely what we’re trying to avoid, that Covid-19 will come in here,” the governor said in an earlier interview.

Lacson issued the order establishing the unified protocols after a discussion with the PHO personnel and provincial officials during the Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases meeting at the Capitol Social Hall.

“While this is voluntary, I hope (we will) all be responsible and make this small sacrifice. The net effect of this, if Covid-19 will come in, then we will have a bigger problem,” the governor added.

As of Friday, Negros Occidental has 64 PUMs from the initial 133, after 69 of them already completed the 14-day self-quarantine and cleared of possible infection.

In EO No. 20-13, Lacson added that all protocols for patient management will be disseminated by PHO, which will also establish a Covid-19 hotline manned by competent medical personnel.

The PHO will also identify a holding quarantine area for patients of Covid-19, in conjunction with the Provincial Hospital Operations Department. (Nanette Guadalquiver ndb via pna)

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