NegOcc Alert Level 2 Status


Bacolod City – Negros Occidental Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson said Monday that the province is doing alright in its campaign against COVID-19 even though the Department of Health (DOH) placed it on “Alert Level 2” status.

Alert Level 2 status means that there is a decrease in the number of COVID-19 transmissions, however healthcare utilization rate is increasing.

Lacson said COVID-19 designated hospitals in the province have enough rooms.

“The DOH regional director actually commented that Negros Occidental is currently in a better position than the other provinces right now in Region 6,” the governor said.

Lacson said there are still beds available for COVID-positive patients.

Asymptomatic patients are mostly being treated in a quarantine facility, but those who are critical are immediately confined to the hospital.

He also said that Negros Occidental remains free from the delta variant of COVID-19.

He said while the province is preparing for the eventuality, he prays it will not penetrate the province. (Dolly Yasa via The Daily Guardian (TDG), photo courtesy of TDG)

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