Multi-sectoral group conducts assembly opposing postponement of BARMM election


A multi-sectoral group have conducted an assembly in Zamboanga as they opposed the postponement of Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) election.

Omar M. Akbar, lead convenor of no to the postponement of BARMM talked to RPN DXXX Zambpanga and said, they are opposing the postponement of BARMM election because they wanted an election so they can choose their leaders.

This is also in support of the stand of Sulu Governor Sakur Tan.

Election is scheduled by 2022 but the transition government wants elections to be held by 2025.

There were about 150 participants who participated during the activity in Zamboanga City over the weekend and are coming from Basilan and Sulu. There were similar movement done in Jolo, Sulu.

Akbar said, they are also ready to bring this to Manila if this will be the way that the government will listen to them. (R.G. Antonet A. Go)

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