Mayor Klarex appeals to DPWH Sec. Bonoan to expedite release of remaining budget for FRIMP-CDOR project


Cagayan de Oro City Mayor Rolando ‘Klarex’ Uy has called on Department of Public Works and Highways Secretary Manuel M. Bonoan to expedite the release of the remaining budget for the Flood Risk Management Project for Cagayan de Oro River (FRIMP-CDOR) – Contract Package 3.

The package 3 of the FRIMP-CDOR Project covers the barangays of Kauswagan-Carmen-Balulang-Nazareth-Macasandig which estimated to cost more than P3.0 billion, it was learned.

Mayor Klarex issued the appeal to DPWH Secretary Bonoan during the inauguration ceremony of the FRIMP-CDOR Project – Contract Package 2 (Consolacion) held Friday morning, May 26 at Balacanas in barangay Puntod, this city.

“Before finally accepting this project, Secretary Bonoan… pwedi ba manghangyo ug makapadayag sa kagustohan sa akong constituents… as the representative, the voice of every Cagayanon, may I humbly request that the release of the remaining budget for package 3 of FRIMP-CDOR in Barangay Macasandig be expedited,” the mayor said.

Mayor Klarex cited those residents living along the riverside barangays under Package 3 are vulnerable and susceptible to floods when Cagayan de Oro River rises during heavy rains. “Until then, when the dike is finished in that part of the city will our people in that barangay and adjoining areas become safe from floods,” he added.

In his welcome message, Mayor Klarex emphasized how vital the infrastructure project against the devastating effects of floods as this will not only protect the city from future floods, but the river boulevard project serves as a healing reminder to all Typhoon Sendong survivors.

Among the dignitaries who graced the occasion were DPWH Secretary Bonoan; Project Director Ramon A. Arriola III; Chief Representative of JICA Philippines Takema Sakamoto; and Ambassador of Japan to the Philippines Kazuhiko Koshikawa, represented by Second Secretary Akito Kinoshita.  (Cheleste Simene, photo courtesy by Ronda Behua Balase Marfori)

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