Mati’s COVID- 19 Heat Map Mobile App


Davao Oriental:       The City of Mati LGU’s Incident Management Team for Covid-19 is using a mobile application that shows location within a 50-meter radius of persons under monitoring (PUMs), persons under investigation (PUIs), and confirmed Covid-19 patients within the city.

Developed by Al Francis Delagua of the Artificial Intelligence PH (AI.PH), the mobile application is now being used by the IMT Covid-19 to map out the locations of PUIs, PUMs, and Covid-19 patients and give the City Government a clearer picture of the Covid-19 status.

Delagua said that the information would help the authorities monitor the movement of the PUIs, PUMs at the same time make the community aware of their locations for others to have self-awareness and take extra precautions.

Delagua said that with the Data Privacy Act, information of the patients like the name, age, and other details will not be accessible to the public.

The IMT’s contact tracing team will input details of the PUMs, PUIs and positive patients thru the mobile app while conducting tracing. The information on the location will readily show up in the mobile app for the public to be aware.

Delagua said that aside from the location of PUMs, PUIs and positive patients, other information in the mobile app would be those already cleared and those who have died, among others. Information will be color coded.

As to the accuracy and security of the data, Delagua said they have employed security measures on their app to prevent possible hacking. He said the accuracy of the data would be dependent on the health workers that would input the information to the mobile application.

Mati IMT-Covid19 commander Dr. Ben Hur Catbagan Jr. meanwhile acknowledged the huge help the mobile app had given to their contact tracing teams.

He said the application was also able to give them full control of the PUMs, PUIs and positive patients considering that they know their locations and they could easily monitor them.

Catbagan said that in the event the city government decides to implement lockdowns on specific areas, they can readily identify which areas to quarantine from the barangay down to sitios.

“This gives the IMT full control of the situation. And we can readily act on any report of possible violations of the quarantine protocols,” Catbagan said.

Here is the link to the mobile application Covid-19 Heat Map:

AI.PH was also responsible for a mobile application used by the distressed Overseas Filipino Workers in the Middle East for them to readily inform the Philippine Embassy of their situation especially when they need rescuing.

Thru the app, the exact location of the distressed OFW will be available to the embassy officials for easy and expeditious rescue.

Delagua said the core goal of AI.PH is to assist the government in providing the technology for the benefit of the public. (CIO MATI)

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