Kapalong Mayor Timbol Preparing The 3rd Wave Food Distribution


Davao del Norte: The Municipal Government of Kapalong is prepping for a third wave food distribution to help people cope with the economic and social adverse impact of COVID-19.

MIO Ruth Grace Alegre said the Municipal Government under Mayor Ma. Theresa Timbol handed over food packs to some 27,000 beneficiaries across 14 barangays including the Indigenous Peoples (IP) barangay of Gupitan during the first round of relief operation.

Members of the Sangguniang Bayan and the Vice Mayor also assisted the food distribution in Gupitan, she said.

Alegre revealed that the second wave of food distribution also benefiting around 27,000 families, already covered the renters, borders and stranded workers affected by the closure of some business establishments in the municipality.

Relief assistance from Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte had already been distributed during the first and second wave of relief operation, Alegre said.

The municipal government is set to make use of the food packs from PLGU Davao del Norte during the third tranche of relief operation. PLGU Davao del Norte is due to deliver on April 15 food packs for 27,9578 residents of Kapalong.

Alegre projected that there will be fourth wave of relief operation that Mayor Timbol will undertake together with Governor Edwin Jubahib. (JMDA and PRincess Nivea Berondo. photos from MIO KAPALONG)

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