Iriga: Regional Consultation Workshop advances Philippine Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

photo courtesy of DENR Bicol

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Biodiversity Management Bureau (DENR – BMB) spearheaded a three-day Regional Consultation Workshop on the Assessment and Updating of the Philippine Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (PBSAP) in accordance with the Kunming – Monreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) Southern Luzon Cluster from April 16 to 18, 2024 at the Marison Hotel, Legazpi City, Albay.

The event drew participation from various government agencies, civil society organizations, people’s organizations, academe, development partners, and stakeholders from Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, Quezon (CaLaBaRZon), Mindoro Occidental, Mindoro Oriental, Marinduque, Romblon, Palawan (MIMAROPA), and the Bicol region.

The workshop aimed to assess progress and align the current PSBAP using the KMGBF Framework, while also formulating an action plan with specific targets and indicators, including a Biodiversity Finance Plan (BFP). It seeks to support the country in meeting its national targets and contributing to global goals. Furthermore, the workshop introduced the 4th iteration of the PBSAP and a draft monitoring framework to evaluate its implementation.

In his welcome message, DENR Bicol Regional Executive Director (RED) Francisco E. Milla, Jr. emphasized the importance of our commitment to safeguarding the environment and natural resources. “Let me emphasize that it is not merely our duty but our profound responsibility to future generations to preserve the environment. Let us carry forward the spirit of collaboration, innovation, and determination to preserve and nurture our natural heritage,” said RED Milla.

Meanwhile, Assistant Secretary (ASec) for Policy Planning and Foreign Assisted Projects, Dr. Noralene Uy, expressed appreciation to all participants of the 2nd Luzon Cluster of the PBSAP Consultations, noting it as the series with the highest regional representation to date.

Furthermore, Undersecretary (USec) for Legal and Administration and Supervising Undersecretary for BMB, USec Atty. Ernesto D. Adobo, Jr., reiterated in his video message the workshop’s purpose to address challenges. He stressed that the PBSAP consultations are crucial in devising a balanced approach that considers our country’s economic, social, and environmental needs for sustainable development.

The DENR remains committed to advancing biodiversity conservation efforts across the country. Initiatives like the Regional Consultation Workshop on the Assessment and Updating of the PBSAP propel us toward actively shaping a sustainable future for our nation,” USEC Adobo said.

With the collective dedication of stakeholders from various sectors, the Department ensures the continuous safeguarding of our environment and natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations.

(Source: DENR Bicol)

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