Iriga: LRV Gallery of Arts and Culture grand opening and 1st Annual Art Exhibition


In celebration of the late and former Camarines Sur Governor and Congressman Luis “LRV” R. Villafuerte, Sr.’s 88th birthday, the Luis R. Villafuerte (LRV) Foundation, Inc. held the grand opening and ribbon cutting of the LRV Gallery of Arts and Culture on August 29, 2023, at the LRV Function Hall, Naga City to memorialize his life, works, and legacy.

The grand opening of the art gallery launched the very 1st Annual Art Exhibition which uncovers a collection of creative and magnificent artworks in the form of paintings, sculptures, and paludariums by forty-nine (49) local artists. Photographs following the life and legacy of LRV are also exhibited to honor his countless contributions to public service.

Known as a patron, advocate, and avid supporter of local artists and their works, LRV has made a great contribution to the promotion and elevation of arts and culture. The establishment of the LRV Gallery of Arts and Culture aims to continue his legacy and advocacy to support local artists by promoting and recognizing their works and contributions to the arts and culture of the Bicol region.

As one of the legacies of LRV during his gubernatorial term, an ensemble of Bicol Heritage Cultural Group from its oldest members to its newest offered a special concert featuring LRV’s jingle songs and other Bikolano music.

The LRV Gallery of Art and Culture will be open for public viewing from September 1 to October 8, 2023.

(Source: Province of Camarines Sur)

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