Influx of businesses in Cagayan de Oro noted as city registers 28% more traders


A total of 22,633 businesses in Cagayan de Oro have renewed their business permits from January 3 to March 1, 2023, the Business Permits and Licensing Office (BPLO) reported.

The figure is 28 percent more than what the BPLO recorded last year, which is only 17,537.

It also exceeded the expected number of business permits renewed by the end of the renewal period (20,000).

According to the data presented by BPLO Head Jason Adaza, of the total number of renewed businesses, 1,108 opted to do their business permit renewal transaction online.

Most of the businesses that have filed for the renewal of their permit were retailers, which is at 4,822.

This is followed by establishments providing services, at 3,257; sari-sari stores, at 2,884; and lessors, at 1,325.

Meanwhile, 1,387 new businesses in Cagayan de Oro have applied for their business permits.

(News & photo courtesy of Cagayan de Oro City Information Office)

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