Important Covid-19 Updates


On Monday, August 3, 2020, a patient tested positive for IgM (antibodies that indicate recent exposure to the virus) using rapid test without any known history of travel or exposure to a person from a different province. The patient’s partner tested positive for IgG (antibodies indicating an exposure to the virus long ago ~ 1 month and up) with only significant travel being going to and from Surigao.

The patient was initially referred by a private clinic for having an inconclusive test after a bout of diarrhea and weakness. Since Saturday, the patient and household have been admitted to our quarantine facility and are now asymptomatic.

Today, August 4, 2020 2 out of 3 of the patient’s non-family close contacts, after thorough contact tracing (investigation and testing of people the first patient interacted with TWO days prior to symptoms), also tested positive for IgM using rapid test. Their family members tested negative, all of whom had no significant travel history similar to the patient above.

All are pending transfer to our provincial hospital for further testing using RT-PCR. However, given that the results will take some time to be released, we are assuming probable local transmission (probable since confirmation with RT PCR is necessary to declare local transmission).

It is therefore necessary, for the protection of all of Genera Luna and to help focus efforts towards determining the current status of the different barangays to put the patient’s said barangay, Cabitoonan, under a TEMPORARY COMPLETE LOCKDOWN for five days and then pending further contact tracing and investigation. During which time, no entry or exit from the barangay will be allowed, but food will be provided by the LGU for the families within said barangay.

Other barangays will also be investigated to determine the full extent of our COVID status. Select individuals will be contacted by the RHU for rapid testing this Friday, to determine what each barangay’s status truly is.

Pending RT-PCR results from said patients above, the LGU in partnership with all lead agencies, PNP, BFP and coast guard have elected to do the following things in a unified fashion:

  1. Immediate lockdown of identified area with probable local transmission
    2. Elevated contact tracing efforts within lockdown area
    3. Extensive investigations in all other barangays to determine if this is not an isolated event (as the current situation depicts possible local transmission in Surigao) and therefore a need to investigate

Everyone, now more than ever, is asked to follow the health protocols, primarily the wearing of masks, social distancing, handwashing and only leaving the house for important matters. We are all hoping to have both a safe and well-prepared community, as following these protocols help increase our chances of preventing COVID’s spread and make the task of monitoring and isolation even easier. Thank you for everyone’s cooperation and understanding. Please help both by cooperating and praying that they return with negative swab test results. (RPN DXKS Surigao)


(Source: Rural Health Unit of General Luna, Siargao, Surigao del Norte)


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