Girl Scout events in NegOcc shelved amid Covid-19 threat


The Negros Occidental Girl Scout Council has indefinitely postponed the staging of its two camping events this month amid the continuing threat of the 2019 coronavirus disease (Covid-19).

The postponement was announced by Jehza Guzon, council executive, in Council Circular No. 7-2020 dated March 9, citing Department of Education (DepEd) Memo No. 034-2020 issued by Secretary Leonor Briones, outlining the fifth set of policy directives of the DepEd Task Force Covid-19.

The two activities include the Provincial Star Holiday and Twinklers’ Playday slated on March 12 to 15 and the Provincial Junior, Senior and Cadet Camp scheduled on March 25 to 29.

“(These) will be postponed until further notice,” Guzon said.

Provincial schools division Superintendent Marsette Sabbaluca also issued Division Memorandum 105-2020 dated March 10 for the dissemination of the Girl Scout Council’s announcement, a copy of which was posted on the DepEd-Division of Negros Occidental Facebook page on Tuesday.

The DepEd-Division of Negros Occidental also earlier announced the postponement of some of its school activities due to the Covid-19 threat.

These include the elections of the Division of Negros Occidental Federation of Supreme Pupil Governments set on March 10 to 11 and the Federation of Supreme Student Governments scheduled on March 16 to 17 as stated in Division Memorandum 101-2020 dated March 9.

In another memorandum dated March 9, Sabbaluca directed the suspension of the ongoing in-house concentration training of athletes, and postponement of the pre-departure conference for the 2020 Western Visayas Regional Athletic Association Meet set on March 17.

A portion of the DepEd Memorandum No. 034-2020 states that “(a)ll national activities involving learners and/or teachers requiring travel and congregation of various schools, divisions, and/or regions, except for the already ongoing National Schools Press Conference (NSPC) and the National Festival of Talents (NFOT), are suspended effective upon the issuance of this memorandum”.

Also, “(a)ll regional activities involving learners and/or teachers requiring travel and congregation of various schools and/or divisions, including regional athletic meets, are suspended effective upon the issuance of this memorandum and until further notice.” (Nanette Guadalquiver ndb via pna)

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