FDA reports 64,841 adverse events following immunization since March


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Friday reported 64,841 adverse events following immunization (AEFI) since the start of the Covid-19 vaccine rollout in March.

FDA director general Eric Domingo, in an online forum, said that as of September 26,2021 there were already 43,933.866 Covid-19 vaccine doses administered and 0.15 percent AEFIs were reported.

Of the 64,841 AEFI reported, 62, 294 are non-serious events while 2,597 are serious events.

Meanwhile, Domingo said that there were 642 infections recorded in over 20.3 million fully vaccinated individuals.

Domingo said that 126 were infected less than 14 days after the last dose and while 516 caught the virus over 14 days after being fully vaccinated.

On the other hand, there were 849 individuals who were infected before receiving their next dose.

A total of 128 deaths were recorded, both full and partially vaccinated.

“All the deaths are almost coming from the senior citizens,” Domingo said.

Domingo reiterated that vaccines are effective in helping control the epidemic.

“Of course, it is important to complete the doses,” he stressed.

Covid cases

The Department of Health (DOH), meanwhile, logged 10,670 additional Covid-19 cases, bringing the total number of infections to 2,643,494.

There were 7,691 recoveries and 191 deaths.

Of the total number of infections, 4.5 percent (118,203) are active cases, 94.0 percent (2,486,059) have recovered, and 1.48 percent (39,232) have died.

Fifty-seven duplicates were removed from the total case count. Of these, 42 are recoveries.

Moreover, 128 cases that were previously tagged as recoveries were reclassified as deaths after final validation.

All labs oratories were operational on October 6, 2021 but 2 labs were not able to submit their data to the Covid-19 Document Repository System.

Based on data in the last 14 days, the 2 non-reporting labs contribute, on average, 0.3 percent of samples tested and 0.4 percent of positive individuals.

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