DOLE 9 To Employers: No Vaccine, No Work’’ In Workplace, Unlawful


The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) regional office 9 reminded especially to employers that “No Vaccine, No Work’’ policy in the workplace is unlawful.

This is in line with the on-going vaccination program for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) in the country.

Atty. Roy L. Buenafe, DOLE 9 Regional Director said that, “DOLE reminds the public, especially workers and employers, that imposition of “No Vaccine, No Work’’ policy in the workplace is unlawful.”

Through DOLE Labor Advisory No. 3, Series of 2021, no less than Labor Secretary Silvestre H. Bello III reiterates that “any employee who refuses or fails to be vaccinated shall not be discriminated against in terms of tenure, promotion, training, pay, and other benefits, among others, or terminated from employment.”

Section 12 of Republic Act 11525 (COVID 19 Vaccine Program Act of 2021) also states that vaccine card shall not be a mandatory requirement for employment, nor should it be pre-condition for hiring or for work continuity.

Also included in Labor Advisory No. 03-2021 Guidelines on the Administration of COVID-19 Vaccines in the Workplaces which expressly states that covered establishments and employers shall endeavor to encourage their employees to get vaccination. It is not mandatory but necessary.

As of press time,  the department have not yet received any complaints regarding vaccine-related terminations. However, if there are workers experiencing vaccine-related workplace discrimination and other work-related concerns, they may channel their complaints to a DOLE Office that is nearest to them or call our (062) 991-2673 & 991-3376 or 0967-420-0859.

“It is important for the workers to get vaccinated not only to keep the workforce healthy by preventing employees and their families from getting COVID-19, it is also to achieve herd immunity to ensure swift recovery for the economy.” Buenafe said.
(R.G. Antonet A. Go, photo courtesy of Department of Labor and Employment Facebook page)

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