Dipolog City Police Station Detention Facility Records 29 Confirmed COVID-19 Cases


29 from Dipolog City Police Station Detention Facility undergone rapid antigen test for Covid-19 which resulted 29 of them positive. 27 are detainees and 2 are Dipolog City Police Station personnel.

All 29 cases are from Dipolog City Police Station Detention Facility who yielded positive in rapid antigen test. They are presently asymptomatic and isolated.

  1. Patient 259: A 19-year-old male from Obay, Polanco.
  2. Patient 260: A 20-year-old male from Sta. Isabel, Dipolog City.
  3. Patient 261: 37-year-old male from Sicayab, Dipolog City.
  4. Patient 262: 35-year-old male from Olingan, Dipolog City.
  5. Patient 263: A 52-year-old male from Sta. Isabel, Dipolog City. He manifested cold on November 5, 2020.
  6. Patient 264: A 17 -year-old male from Sicayab, Dipolog City.
  7. Patient 265: A 18-year-old male from Irasan, Roxas.
  8. Patient 266: A 34-year-old male from Olingan, Dipolog City.
  9. Patient 267: A 21 -year-old male from Olingan, Dipolog City.
  10. Patient 268: A 16 -year-old male from Sicayab, Dipolog City.
  11. Patient 269: A 25-year-old male from Baliguian, Zamboanga del Norte.
  12. Patient 270: A 30-year old male from from Galas, Dipolog City.
  13. Patient 271: A 35-year-old male from Sicayab, Dipolog City.
  14. Patient 272: A 23-year-old male.
  15. Patient 273: A 43-year-old male from Galas, Dipolog City.
  16. Patient 274: A 48-year-old male from Miputak, Dipolog City.
  17. Patient 275: A 54-year-old male from Barra, Dipolog City.
  18. Patient 276: A 43-year-old male from Turno, Dipolog City.
  19. Patient 277: A 20-year-old male from Sicayab, Dipolog City.
  20. Patient 278: A 37- year-old male from Estaka, Dipolog City.
  21. Patient 279: A 18-year-old male from Sicayab, Dipolog City.
  22. Patient 280: A 21-year-old male from Minaog, Dipolog City.
  23. Patient 281: A 20-year-old male from Minaog, Dipolog City.
  24. Patient 282: A 43-year-old male from Olingan, Dipolog City.
  25. Patient 283: A 34-year-old male from Sicayab, Dipolog City.
  26. Patient 284: A 63-year-old male from Galas, Dipolog City.
  27. Patient 285: A 34-year-old female from Sta. Isabel, Dipolog City. She manifested fever and colds until November 5, 2020.
  28. Patient 286: A 36-year-old male from Minaog, Dipolog City.
  29. Patient 287: A 51-year-old male from Sta. Isabel, Dipolog City.

Detention cell has been installed with plastic covers to control the spread of the virus, while the 2 DCPS personnel are now isolated at the TTMF or Temporary Treatment and Monitoring Facility.

PHO’s Doctor Esmeralda Nadela said, “Rapid antigen is equivalent to RT-PCR test, good as confirmatory. But if patient manifested symptoms and resulted negative in the rapid antigen, there is a need for a confirmatory RT-PCR. Antigen is convenient because you will know the result in just 15 minutes.”

The community now awaits for further information on the actions of the local IATF about Dipolog City Police Station and its Detention Facility after City Mayor Darel Uy issued an Official Statement earlier today.
(Provincial Inter-Agency Task Force | OIC Lyza Bautista, RPN DXKD Dipolog)

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