Davao City’s Grocery Packs Distribution Now Stands Over 375K


Davao City:    A total of 375,598 grocery packs have been distributed by the Davao City government in the three congressional districts as the city enters the 9th day of stringent lockdown rules to slow down the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19).

Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte said the total distribution even breaches the city’s target of 350,000 relief packs.

Of the total number relief packs distributed, Mayor Sara said the City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) has completed distributing 158,694 packs in the first district.

She said the CSWDO has yet to complete distribution in Paquibato, Buhangin, Cabantian, and Pampanga. A total of 150,501 grocery packs were distributed initially.

CSWDO also has partially distributed in the third district a total of 66,403 grocery packs in Calinan, Marilog, Baguio, and Tugbok.

Mayor Sara said the CSWDO is set to continue with the distribution of the relief packs.

The mayor added that the City Agriculturist Office and City Veterinarian’s Office also started with their food program, focusing on the 98 villages where there are informal settlers and low-income families. The two offices also distributed packs in Tibungco and Toril.

The hot meals on wheels program also continued even during the observance of Lent in the 98 barangays villages. The Barangay and Cultural Communities Affairs Division (BCCAD) also served “balut” to go with the Lomi and Lugaw.

To ensure a well-coordinated food distribution of donated goods, Mayor Sara also created a Quick Response Team under her office.

The Mayor said the donated rice, canned goods, and noodles will be given to the people who were not given ration cards but deserve to be assisted.

“Katong mga donated, kadtong sa mga nagsulti na wala sila’y ration card but they deserve relief goods (The donations will be given to those who said they don’t have a ration card but deserve relief goods),” she said.

The identified beneficiaries are those who reported to the Davao City Reports and the Davao City Disaster Radio.

The mayor said there are around 2,000 repacked donated goods. CIO

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