RESOURCES OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT and partner agencies are fully mobilized at the Climaco Freedom Park in Abong-abong, Upper Pasonanca, as Mayor John Dalipe through the security sector sets in motion Oplan Semana Santa 2023 starting today, April 5 to 9.
Oplan Semana Santa is a comprehensive security, traffic and logistical plan to ensure safety and security of the residents during the Holy Week observance.
The city’s state of the art Mobile Command Center (MBCC), which is used for rapid surveillance deployment is stationed at the foot of the Tomb of Unknown Soldiers to monitor the situation in the park on a 24 hour basis. It is complemented by ZCDRRMO resources and CHO personnel, housed in a tent located nearby.
The MBCC is equipped with 25 closed-circuit television units and a drone to monitor the area, as Catholic devotees visit the area to pray the stations of the cross and other lenten rituals.
The Zamboanga City Police Office, with augmentation from the Regional Mobile Force and with support from the Joint Task Force Zamboanga are manning control points as well as posted keep law and order. The Bureau of Fire Protection is also stationed in the park to respond in case of emergencies.
Oplan Semana Santa 2023 is also supported by volunteer groups, radio clubs, the Pasonanca Barangay Council and other private organizations.
Personnel from the OCENR are deployed to maintain cleanliness in the area while OCVET workers round up stray dogs.
Security and Surveillance Coordinating Office (SSCO) head Christopher Mandi and PCpl Val Santua oversee the preparations in the park.
Meanwhile, the security plan covers the deployment of the police, TFZ personnel and force multipliers, security measures not only at the CCC Freedom Park but also in the more than 40 Catholic churches and places of worships all over the city, and the convergence sites like d Monte Santo in Barangay Lumayang, where thousands of Catholic faithful are expected to flock for the Holy Week rituals.
The plan also includes the security and traffic management for the traditional “Santo Entiero” processions of the different parishes on Holy Friday, and the necessary logistics, among others. (Photo credits: MBCC)
Source: City Givernment of Zamboanga FB Page