City Commemorates Kadayawan In Low-Key Affair


Davao City – The Davao City opened up the Kadayawan Celebration for the year 2020 in a somber tone, with a mass at 3:00 PM Monday participated in by employees of the City Hall.

Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio said that now is the time for everyone to think of the Indigenous Peoples (IPs), their pursuit of the ancestral domain, access to education and other opportunities.

She stressed that the people must be aware of giving the IPs access.

“Celebration of IP Culture is a celebration of all culture,” Duterte-Carpio said.

She said that from August 21 and every night up to August 24, a virtual presentation through watch party will be presented.

Duterte-Carpio narrated that the watch party on August 21 will be a Paglaom concert with the bests of the Kadayawan will be presented nightly and will culminate with honoring the front liners in August 24.

She said residents are still urged to stay home during the four-day Kadayawan Festivities.

However, Duterte-Carpio underscored that people can still support the local businesses at this time buy purchasing food from these establishments one after the other every night up to August 24.

“We already receive the memorandum declaring August 24 as IP Day, a holiday in Davao City,” she said.
(PIA XI-Joey Sem G. Dalumpines)


(Source: Philippine Information Agency)

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