CHO Renews Appeal For Compliance Of Minimum Health Standards


City Health Officer, Dr. Dulce Miravite Monday renewed her appeal for the public to faithfully comply with safety.

and health protocols and to avoid social gatherings due to the threat of a new COVID variant that is feared to be more transmissible.

“With the detection of the new strain which appears to be more transmissible, we appeal to everyone to practice protocols and avoid social gatherings and be socially accountable and responsible for the safety of everyone,” Miravite said during the City Hall virtual press briefing.

The health official expects COVID-19 cases in the city to reach the over 4,000 mark after the holiday season when many disregard the protocols and attend parties and other gatherings despite the restrictions.

According to Miravite, the city government is putting in place more stringent measures including the travel of authorized persons outside residences (APORs), locally stranded individuals (LSIs) and returning residents to prevent and contain the infection.

On the other hand, the city health officer said preparations for the storage area for the expected arrival of the anti-covid vaccines early part of 2021 are underway.

She said the city is just awaiting guidelines from the national government with regards to the vaccines but the LGU has allocated P200 million for the procurement of the same.
(LGU – Public Information Office)

(Source: Virtual press briefing of Dr. Dulce Miravite, City Health Officer)

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