Cagayan de Oro: City, LandBank to ink amended MOA on portal facility


The 20th City Council during its regular session Monday presided over by City Vice Mayor Jocelyn “Bebot” B. Rodriguez enacted an ordinance authorizing City Mayor Rolando A. Uy to enter into and sign the amendment to the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) for the LandBank Link.BizPortal facility.

This covers the reduction of convenience fees, the implementation of additional payment options, and the implementation of the minimum guaranteed transaction requirements.

Councilor George S. Goking, chair of the City Council committee on ways and means, said that the portal facility will give benefit the constituent,s especially the clients and users of LBP.

The legislation was sponsored by the committees on ways and means and laws and rules chaired by Councilors Goking and Ian Mark Q. Nacaya, respectively.

(News & photo courtesy of CdeO City Council)

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